Après 7 ans sans exposer au Maroc, YOUS nous revient avec une trentaine de peintures à l’huile sur toile.“un Joyau,une Emulsion Abstraiteune QUADRUPLICITÉ Parfaite” YS Comme l’evenement se tiendra dans l’atelier de l’artiste, […]
It was an immense pleasure to receive my Art Students at my last exposition La Fleur. They asked me all the daring questions and showed me beautiful things in my paintings i was’t […]
Expo sition La Fleur by Yous the little video that was looping during the event #art #artist #yous #yousufi #lafleur #exposition #vernissage
Tree in Youslandia is an oil painting that took all of winter 2014-2015 to finish. It is 200 cm x 66 cm large and represents the wonderful fantasy place i live in my […]
Most likely my favorite oil painting so far for giving me the strongest chills while painting it, alchemy is made of almighty alchemy symbols, the string of numerology incorporated within the primary and […]
Inspired by the massive energy between the second and the fourth planet from the Sun, and depicted as sunflowers, this triptique painting made of 3x 140 x 180 cm frames is the work […]
I’m extremely ecstatic about this exposition that will regroup on one hand a few paintings of flowers I’ve done in the past, and on the other many new flowers painted in the past […]
The Evolve Room at the Lumiere du Coeur painting exposition was the second of the 3. This video allows you to view this room in all calm and beauty just if you were […]