
Eternity Painting Paper Print  Limited Edition matte 11x17in (29x42cm)
Eternity Painting Photo Print Glossy 21x30in (55x80cm)
Eternity Painting Giclée Print on Canvas Small 23x23in (60x60cm)
Eternity Painting Giclée Print on Canvas Medium 31x31in (80x80cm)
Eternity Painting Giclée Print on Canvas Lifesize 39x39in (100x100cm)

#art #artist #oilpainting #oil #painting #eternity #fourseasons #lumiereducoeur



The Four Seasons of Eternity is an oil painting by the artist YouS made between 2010-2012. Exposed at the Lumière du Coeur event, this painting depicts eternity sectioned into 4 seasons. Minimalistic and surrealistic this 48″ x 48″ painting eludes the viewer to get into the swirl of the eternal quadrant after quadrant.

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paper, photo, canvas, small, canvas, medium, canvas, large


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